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Happy International Women's Day!

We are introducing Gilding the Lily - Featuring Uncle Nearest, blood orange, ginger, lemon, egg white, orange bitters, and cinnamon. Enjoy this delectable cocktail from March 8 until April 4, where $1 from each Gilding the Lily cocktail sold will be donated to Women for Women International.

We selected Uncle Nearest as a partner for this promotion because Uncle Nearest not only has incredible whiskeys but they are also a female-led distillery known for its history in honoring the first African American master distiller, Nathan “Nearest” Green. 

Created by Santa Barbara Bartender, Sunna Thorkelsdottir, this cocktail is inspired by Joy Perrine, a pioneering female bartender who is best known for creating bourbon-based cocktails during a time when adding anything to whiskey was considered “gilding the lily”. She published the now-famous Kentucky Bourbon Cocktail Book and its sequel, and has been helping pave the way for women to be creative and respected behind the bar since the 1980’s.
